

SPINE-EVENTS only in Germany

Start End Location
21.09.2024 09:00 - 17:00 Tages-Seminar - Heilbronn 250 €
Everytime 1 hour ONLINE-Coaching Perfect Nutrition 200 €


Total regeneration of the spine

  • Therapy
  • Coaching

This is what you can expect...

  • ORIGINAL-THERAPY according to Angie Holzschuh
  • Total Regeneration of your Spine
  • The therapy that many World-Champions trust
  • 100 % optimum treatment + coaching with Angie Holzschuh
  • Total Time: 2 hours
  • Therapy = 2 x 30 minutes therapy with the best spine-therapists
  • Workshop = Coaching with the Wooden spoon, Relaxer und Magnets
  • Everybody learns to understand his own spine
  • Some anatomy will be shown on the skeleton
  • We show all exercises for self-adjusting your own spine
  • Individual correction of your technique by Angie Holzschuh
  • The regeneration is easy and fast with the right technique
  • After the event you will know how to keep your spine young
  • This is 100 % Anti-Aging
  • It gives you freedom and independence from the health system
  • Only a regenerated spine can stay young and painfree!

Coaching Spine-Events

Angie Holzschuh

  • German Naturopath 
  • Graduated in sports science
  • Specialised on spine and magnetic therapy
  • Focus on sports injuries
  • Official therapist of the Wind- and Kitesurfing Worldcup